Friday, January 18, 2008

nikoliskey sign

Nikolsky's sign involves the superficial layers of skin slipping free from the lower layers with slight pressure.
Reference from A.D.A.M.
Back to TopConsiderations
A positive Nikolsky's sign is present in the
scalded skin syndrome (caused by staphylococcal infection) and in a slightly different form in toxic epidermal necrolysis (a severe drug reaction). It may also be seen in pemphigus vulgaris (a disease which causes blisters to form on the skin).
In each of these diseases, the skin is loosened and when rubbed, slips free just as the skin on a blanched tomato or peach would. The area beneath is pink and moist and may be very tender.
Back to TopCommon Causes
Scalded skin syndrome (also called Ritter disease)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Pemphigus vulgaris

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