Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bio (AIMS nov 2007)

1.Peroxidase is used to detect:
a. Glucose
b. Ammonia
c. Hemoglobin
d. Creatinine


2.For biochemical analysis vitrous in sent in:
a. Hydrochloric acid
b. Phenol
c. Formalin
d. Fluoride


3.Blood spills on the floor are cleaned by:
a. Sodium hypochlorite
b. Iodine
c. Absolute alcohol
d. Quarternary ammonium compounds


4.PCR requires:
a. Li++
b. Ca++
c. Na++
d. Mg++

Ans [d]

5.In Lysosomal Storage Disorders, true is:
a. The lysosomes are deficient in the enzyme hydrolase
b. There is a defect in the fusion od lysosomes and phagosomes
c. There is a defect in the lysosomal membrane
d. ..


6. Vitamin K is required for:
a. Carboxylation
b. Hydroxylation
c. ..
d. .

7. Proteins which are different in peptide sequence but have a similar structure are said to be:
a. Convergent
b. Divergent
c. Opportunistic
d. ..

Ans [a]

8.Hemoglobin estimation is not done by:
a. Drabkin’s method
b. Sahli’s method
c. Spectrometry
d. Wintrobe’s method


9.Nephelometry is:
a. Lambert-Beer law
b. Scattering of light by particulate solution
c. Defraction of light
d. Decreased intensity of light


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