Sunday, November 25, 2007

Patho AIMS(nov2007)

1. When stem cell transforms to form other tissues, the process is called as:
a. Dedifferentiation
b. Redifferentiation
c. Transdifferentiation
d. Subdifferentiation

Ans—C Transdifferentiation

2.A 2-year old child presents with scattered lesions in the skull. Biopsy revealed Langerhans giant cells. Most commonly associated is:
a. CD1a
b. CD57
c. CD3
d. CD68

Ans—A CD1a

3.Caspases are involved in:
a. Apoptosis
b. ..
c. ..

Ans—A. Apoptosis

4.In mitral valve prolapse, the histological finding is:
a. Hyalinization of the valve
b. Fibrinoid necrosis
c. Myxomatous degeneration of the valve
d. ..

Ans—C Myxomatous degeneration of the valve

5.Acridine orange is used as a stain for:
a. DNA and RNA
b. Proteins
c. Carbohydrate
d. Lipids

Ans—A DNA and RNA

6.PAS does not stain:
a. Fungal cell wall
b. Basement membrane of bacteria
c. Glycogen
d. Lipids

Ans—D Lipids

7.Not used to stain fats:
a. Oil red O
b. Congo red
c. Sudan III
d. Sudan black

Ans—B Congo red

8.Cryoprecipitate contains all of the following except:
a. Factor VIII
b. Factor IX
c. Von Willebrand factor
d. Fibrinogen

Ans—B Factor IX

9.In Hyaline cartilage, type of collagen present is:
a. Type 1
b. Type 2
c. Type 3
d. Type 4

Ans—B Type 2

10.FNAC needle gauge size is:
a. 26 – 28
b. 22 – 26
c. 18 – 22
d. 16 – 18

Ans—B (22 – 26 )

11.Basement membrane consists of all except:
a. Laminin
b. Nidogenin
c. Entactin
d. Rhodopsin

Ans—D Rhodopsin

12.Senile cardiac amyloidosis is due to defect in:
a. β2 – microglobulin
b. Transthyretin
d. Pyrin

Ans—B Transthyretin

13.Shock lung is characterized histologically by:
a. Diffuse alveolar oedema
b. Hemosiderosis
c. Interstitial pneumonia
d. Pulmonary oedema

Ans—A Diffuse alveolar oedema

14.Feature of Irreversible cell injury is:
a. Amorphous deposits in the mitochondria
b. ..
c. ..
d. ..

Ans--A Amorphous deposits in the mitochondria

15.Micronodular cirrhosis is seen in all except:
a. Chronic hepatitis B with…
b. Alcoholic hepatitis
c. Chronic cirrhosis secondary to biliary stasis
d. Hemochromatosis

Ans—A Chronic hepatitis B with…

16.Councilman bodies are seen in:
a. Alcoholic cirrhosis
b. Wilson’s disease
c. Acute viral hepatitis
d. ..

Ans—C Acute viral hepatitis

17.What is true about linkage analysis in familial gene disorders:
a. Characteristic DNA polymorphism in a family is associated with disorders
b. Characteristic DNA polymorphism WITH A CLINICAL PHENOTYPE
c.Useful to make pedigree chart to show affected and non-affected family members
d.Used to make a pedigree chart to show non-paternity

Ans--A Characteristic DNA polymorphism in a family is associated with disorders

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