Tuesday, November 27, 2007

psych(AIMS nov2007)

1,Regarding type A personality, false is:
a. Hostility
b. Time pressure
c. Competitiveness
d. Mood fluctuations

Ans [d.] Mood fluctuations

2.All are characteristics of schizophrenia except:
a. Third person auditory hallucinations
b. Inappropriate emotions
c. Long stretches of mood changes
d. Formal thought disorder

Ans[D] Formal thought disorder

3.Altered perception of real objects is:
a. Illusion
b. Delusion
c. Hallucination
d. Delirium

Ans[a] Illusion

4.Psychodynamic theory of mental illness is based on:
a. Unconscious conflict
b. Maladjusted reinforcement
c. Organic neurological problem
d. ..

5.Learning does not include:
a. Modeling
b. Catharsis
c. Exposure
d. Sensitization

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