1. A patient is on a Low calcium diet for 6 weeks. He is most likely to have:
a. Raised parathyroid hormone levels
b. Raised calcitonin levels
c. Increased phosphate levels
d. Increase in levels of 24,2% Hydroxylase in liver
2.Not seen in SIADH is:
a. Hyponatremia
b. Hypouricemia
c. Volume depletion causing hypotension
d. ..
3.A 40 year old man, heavy smoker, complains of epigastric pain since an hour. On electrocardiographic examination he is found to have ST elevations in inferior leads. What is the immediate therapy.
a. Aspirin
b. Thrombolytics
c. Pantoprazole
d. Beta-blockers
4.Most common site of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas is:
a. Foramen of Monro
b. Temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
c. Trigone of the lateral ventricle
d. Fourth ventricle
5.In HIV window period indicates:
a. Time period between infection and onset of first symptoms
b. Time period between infection and detection of antibodies against HIV
c. .
d. .
6.In collapsing glomerulopathy, the following is seen:
a. Hypertrophy and degeneration of the visceral epithelium
b. Proliferation of the parietal epithelium
c. Tuft necrosis
d. Mesangiolysis
7.Persistent foetal lobulation of adult kidney is due to:
a. Congenital renal defect
b. Obstructive uropathy
c. Intrauterine infections and scar
d. Is a normal variety
8.A patient presents with hyperparathyroidism. He has a family history of his siblings having pituitary involvement, thyroid nodules, pancreatic involvement, parathyroid hyperplasia and cutaneous angiofibromas. Most likely diagnosis:
a. MEN 1
b. MEN 2A
c. MEN 2B
d. MEN 2C
9.Pancytopenia with cellular bone marrow is seen in all except:
a. PNH
b. Megaloblastic anaemia
c. Myelodysplastic anaemia
d. Congenital Dyserythropoetic Anaemia
10.Most common tumor is NF-1 is:
a. Astrocytoma
b. Optic tract glioma
c. Glioblastoma multiforme
11.Fractional excretion of Na++ < 1% is seen in:
a. Pre-renal azotemia
b. ATN c. Intrinsic renal failure
d. Renal artery stenosis
12.With CSF all are true except:
a. Persistent leakage causes headache
b. Neutrophils are normally not present
c. pH is less than that of blood
d. Secreted by the arachnoid villi
13.Not a feature of DKA is:
a. Tachypnoea
b. Bradycardia
c. Abdominal pain
d. Dehydration
14.Primary Pulmonary Hypertension IS CAUSED BY ALL EXCEPT
a. Hyperventilation
b. Morbid obesity
c. Fenfluramine
d. High altitude
15.Cushing’s disease includes all except:
a. Central obesity
b. Episodic hypertension
c. Easy bruisability
d. Glucose intolerance
16.Hypertension with hypokalemia is seen in all except:
a. renal artery stenosis
b. End stage renal disease
c. Cushing’s disease
d. Primary hyperaldosteronism
17.Seen in agenesis of corpus callosum is:
a. Astereognosis
b. Hemiparesis
c. Hemisensoriloss
d. No neurological deficit
18.Marker for acute Hepatitis B is:
a. HBV-DNA polymerase
b. IgG anti-HBc
c. Core antigen (HbcAg)
d. Anti-HbsAg
19.Reye’s syndrome is ultrastructurally characterized by:
a. Mitochondrial blebs and enlarged mitochondria
b. Depletion of glycogen
c. Dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum
d. Perinuclear staining
2o.VHL syndrome includes all except:
a. Endolymphatic sac tumours
b. Pheochromocytoma
c. Hemangioendotheliomas
d. Islet cell tumours
21.Which of the following is not included in intensive management of diabetes mellitus:
a. Pregnancy..
b. Postural hypotension due to autonomic neuropathy
c. DM with acute MI
d. Post kidney transplant
22.Extensive involvement of deep white matter with hyperintense thalamic lesion on MRI of the brain is seen in:
a. Alexander’s disease
b. Krabbe’s ds.
c. Canavan’s ds
d. Metachromatic leucodystrophy
23.Most common site of spinal cord tumour is:
a. Intradural extramedullary
b. Extradural
c. Intramedullary
d. All have equal distribution
24.The best investigation is thromboembolism is:
a. D-dimer levels
b. Multidetector CT angiography
c. Colour Doppler USG
d. Catheter angiography
25.ECG was shown. 70 year old man with no previous significant medical history presenting with sudden onset syncope. Most likely diagnosis is:
a. Vasovagal shock
b. Pulmonary embolism
c. Complete heart block
d. Temporal lobe epilepsy
26.All are essential components of TOF except:
a. Valvular pulmonic stenosis
b. Right ventricular hypertrophy
c. Infundibular stenosis
d. Aorta overriding
Monday, November 26, 2007
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