Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Surg (AIMS nov 2007)

1.Inflammation of a retrocaecal appendix will produce pain when there is which of the following movements at the hip:
a. Flexion
b. Extension
c. Medial rotation
d. Lateral rotation


2.True about Ogilive’s syndrome are all except:
a. It is caused by mechanical obstruction of the colon
b. It involves entire / part of the large colon
c. It occurs after previous surgery
d. It occurs commonly after narcotic use


3.Shoulder pain post laparoscopy is due to:
a. Subphrenic abscess
b. CO2 narcosis
c. Positioning of the patient
d. Compression of the lung


4.A 3-year old girl is posted for tonsillectomy. On examination it is found that she has a midline cystic swelling extending till below the hyoid bone. It is painless and moves with deglutition. The thyroid examination is normal. What should be done next?
a. Percutaneous aspiration
b. I.V. antibiotics
c. Surgical removal
d. Observation


5.A 30 year old male patient presents with a peptic ulcer in the posterior duodenum with a bleeding vessel at the base. The bleeding is not controlled endoscopically. On examination his heart rate is 100/min, BP is 110/76 mm of Hg and Hb is 10 gm/dl after transfusion. Next step in his management will be:
a. Proton pump inhibitors
b. Duodenotomy with controlled bleeder and pyloroplasty
c. Duodenotomy with controlled bleeder and truncal vagotomy with antrectomy
d. Partial gastrectomy involving the bleeding ulcer

6.For a lower end esophagus adenocarcinoma, a trans-hiatal oesophagostomy is planned. The approach would be in the following order:
a. Abdomen – Neck
b. Chest – Abdomen – Neck
c. Abdomen – Chest – Neck
d. Right chest – Neck


7.A 23 year old male who is otherwise normal complains of mild pain in his right iliac fossa in a waveform pattern which increases during the night and he becomes exhausted and is admitted in the hospital. On examination there is mild hematuria. Urine examination reveals plenty of RBCs, 50WBCs/hpf. Urine pH is 5.5. Most likely diagnosis is:
a. Glomerulonephritis
b. Ca-Urinary bladder
c. Ureteral calculus
d. .. A


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