Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A/R (AIMS nov 2007)

1.All regarding Mivacurium are true except:
a. Larger doses speed the onset of action
b. Bronchospasm
c. Flushing
d. Hypertension

Ans--D Hypertension

2.Increased cerebral O2 consumption is caused by:
a. Propofol
b. Ketamine
c. Atracurium
d. Fentanyl

Ans--B Ketamine

3.All are true about Thiopentone except:
a. NaCO3 is a preservative
b. Contraindicated in Porphyrias
c. Agent of choice in shock
d. Cerebroprotective

Ans—C Agent of choice in shock

4.Floating water- lilly sign on X ray chest
a. hydatid disease of liver
b. asperigilosis
c. tubercular cavity

Ans—A hydatir disease of liver

5.Egg-on-side’ appearance on X-ray chest is seen in:
a. Tetralogy of Fallot
b. Uncorrected TGA
c. Tricuspid atresia
d. Ebstein’s anomaly

Ans—B Uncorrected TGA

6.Hamptun’s hump is seen in:
a. Pulmonary embolism
b. Tuberculosis
c. Broncogenic CA

Ans--A Pulmonary embolism

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