Monday, November 26, 2007

Micro(AIMS nov2007)

1.HACEK group includes all except:
a. Hemophilus aprophillus
b. Acinetobacter baumanni
c. Eikenella corrodens
d. Cardiobacterium hominis


2.A male patient with symptoms of urethritis. Examination reveals only pus cells but no organisms. Lesions are caused mostly by:
a. Chlamydia trachomatis
b. H.ducreyi
c. Treponema pallidum
d. ..


3. Lancefield grouping of streptococci is done by using:
a. M protein
b. Group C peptidoglycan cell wall
c. Group C carbohydrate antigen


4.The medium used for Vibrio cholerae is:
a. Thayer-martin
b. TCBS medium
c. Scirrow’s medium
d. Loeffer’s


5.Prions consist of:
a. DNA and RNA
b. DNA, RNA and proteins
c. RNA and proteins
d. Only proteins


6.Regarding respiratory viruses all are true except:
a. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants
b. Mumps causes septic meningitis in adults
c. ..
d. ..

7.In active chronic hepatitis B, all are seen except:
a. HbsAg
b. IgM anti-HbcAg
c. HbeAg
d. Anti-HbsAg

ANS. B IgM anti-HbcAg

8.True about polioviruses is:
a. Most cases are symptomatic
b. Inactivated vaccines given I.M. produce spastic paralysis
c. ..
d. Inactivated polio vaccine are given to child less than 3 years of age

9.Positive Schick’s test indicates that the person is:
a. Immune to diphtheria
b. Hypersensitive to diphtheria
c. Susceptible to diphtheria
d. Susceptible & hypersensitive to diphtheria

Ans—C Susceptibal to diptheria

10.True about Corynebacterium diphtheria is: A/E
a. Deep invasion is not seen
b. Elek’s test is done for toxigenicity
c. Metachromatic granules are seen
d. Toxigenicity is mediated by chromosomal change

Ans—D Toxigenicity is madiated by chromosomal change

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